This worked perfectly fine before with the Virus TI OS 5.1.7 and other 10.4 releases of Logic Pro X, so at this point we can only recommend to report this to Apple's support. We have reports that something in this regard broke in the very latest Logic Pro X release from Apple.

I contacted Access about this issue and this is their response:

Used to work fine in previous Logic versions. I have to mouse the knob on the plugin to record any automation which renders the desktop unit useless. The knobs will control the plugin but no automation is recorded. Now I noticed that my Access Virus TI will control the plugin but Logic will not record automation any more from knob moves on the desktop unit. I have to quantize the regions separately or go into note editor. Midi info is un-quantized when played into Logic even if the dialog box is set to a quantize value. Latest version of Logic 10.4.6 Serious Midi/Automation Flaws First I noticed that setting the quantize in the dialog box on the arrange page does not work.